Reading Create Tasks Week 9 Term 1 🩷

WALT: There is no WALT this week.

Heyy Bloggers! 😊

I’m back for blogging my Reading create tasks! This week is week 9! So there are 2 more weeks of school left! And next week is my birthday! I’m really excited! Anyways into my real reading task! Ok so there are two groups. My group is called the BRAINSTORMERS, and the other group is called THE STEVES. So each group got one book that is the same for one book. I got a book called THE BIG RESCUE. We have to see the teacher everyday for our reading groups. Except for some days, and we take turns of going with the teacher first. You have to read the book by yourself. You can also read it with a buddy if you like. That’s what I did. In my reading group we had to read it again. So I read the book a lot off times! The book was about how the girls Aunty, Uncle, and the Mother telling the girl the the wrong BIG RESCUE story. Then the girl finds out the real truth of the story. You will find out more information in my first create task! Now I will tell you what I chose and had to do for the create task!

FIRST CREATE TASK!Β For the first create task I chose to do was the top left corner one, which was the story map one! or the story map one you had to firstly make a copy of the story map, then name it, move it to your Reading folder, and then you have to complete it! There were SIX boxes you had to complete. The boxes were: Main characterters, Supporting characters, Setting, Problem, Solution, Title and Author! The boxes were really easy to complete! You have to do the create from your book! Once you have done your create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

That is what I did for my first create task! Now I will tell you what I had to do for my second create task!

SECOND CREATE TASK:Β For the second create task I chose to do the bottom right one which is the Comic strip one. So you have to retell the key events of your story book which include, Setting the scene, introducing characters, introducing the problem, and resolving the problem. Then you have to create the scene from your story book. You can click a photo from your book then you can Remove BG, and then add it into your panel. You can also use shapes, and you can insert photos. But you have to first make a copy of the comic strip, then you have to name it and move it into your Reading folder. There are 5 panels you have to complete. You can see the example that’s on the reading slide, slide 7! Once you have done your create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

That’s what we had to do for our second create task! I will Update my post every time I edit it! πŸ™‚


REFLECTION for first create task:Β I liked to do this create task, and I am glad that I chose to do it! That’s because I found it really easy to complete, it took less time to complete! I think next time I can improve on maybe coming up with a better Problem or Solution. But I still think I did good.

Here is my first create task, which is the Story map one! I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION FOR SECOND CREATE TASK: I found this create task a bit hard to do, it took some time. But I could complete it! I think next time I could improve on making my characters better while using the shapes! But I still think I did good.

Here is my second create task, which is the Comic strip one! I hope you like it! <3

Taskboard Blogged Together Term 1 Week 8 2025 🩷

Heyy Bloggers! πŸ˜„ [this blog post is a post which includes all of the things I did from the taskboard, that we had to do during swimming time in the afternoon! ]

Today we had swimming! We had it for 2 weeks! Last week and this week. I am going this week but I couldn’t go last week because I was sick! 😷 But now I am fine. So we now have a taskboard which include the tasks: Reading, Writing, Maths, Cybersmart, and PB4L. I firstly did Maths. For Math’s you had to do Prototech, then as fast finishers you have to do My Kitchen Rules. I did my kitchen rules. For that task you have to create a meal! The meal includes: Starters, Main, and Dessert. You also have to go onto the Countdown site which is on the first page of the slide that you copied. It is highlighted in the color blue and says Countdown Supermarket. Then you have to type up the product you want to add and then type the product up on the second page. On the third page you have to type up what the item ingredients include, its confusing to explain so you will see it in my work that I have blogged. You also have to type up what the food costs, then you have to type up the total of what all the food costs together. On the last slide you have to add the picture of what you chose to eat, like the starters, main and the dessert. That is what you have to do for my kitchen rules Math’s. Once you have done your Math’s my kitchen rules you have to blog it.

REFLECTION FOR MY KITCHEN RULES MATHS: I liked to do this task because I found it extremely easy to do. I think next time I can improve on nothing, because I think I did good.

HEYY guys! So here is my Math’s task! This is the first one that I completed. It was the MY KITCHEN RULES one. I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Tasks Week 6 Term 1 2025 🩷 πŸ¦‹

WALT: [there is no WALT this week]


This week we had new create tasks for reading! But we had the same books as last week. There were slides for each year. Well not really let me explain. There was one slide that was Non-fiction for year 4’s and there was a Fiction slide for year 4’s, and lastly there was a slide for both year 5’s and 6’s. I did the year 5’s and 6’s one because I am a year 6! Oh, and there was also new groups. there was group one and group two. Group one had more people than group two. We had to write the name of what we wanted our group name to be. I wrote The Basil team. [that’s Miss R’s cat the teachers reading group who I am in] Also group one which I’m in is called The Brainstormers, and group 2 is called The Steves. Anyways onto what I did for reading! So our whole group one did the book Butterflies and group two did Frogs. I did butterflies like last week. Butterflies is about there life cycle what they eat and what they do. Also many other things. I liked the book Butterflies, it was a good book to read. They also had facts about Monarch butterflies. Once you have read your book online since its an online book you have to complete two create tasks. Now I will tell you what I did for my create tasks!

FIRST CREATE TASK:Β For the first create task I chose to do the bottom right create task! For that create task you have to make a copy of the Google drawing that is blue, then you have to fill into the three columns which are, the words, the definition, and the 3 Synonyms. So for the word one you have to type up the words in the column. Then you have to click the link on the Senior learning site that will take you bto a definition thingy for kids then type up your words int he box. Then you also have to click the other link on the Senior learning site and then type up the word again and use three Synonyms. I had to do it from Google because the site would not do any words for me that I typed up. Then you have to fill it in like I said before. Once you have done your create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

That is what I had to do for my first create task! Now for the second create task I chose the top left corner one. Now I will explain you what I had to do for my second create task!

SECOND CREATE TASK:Β For the second create task I had to record myself on Adobe Express reading out three pages of my online story. To get to Adobe Express you have to click the blue link on the Senior learning site under reading. Then it will take you to Adobe Express. You have to animate it. You could choose your character and your background for the animation thingy. I chose Cupcake for the character and the background is a surprise! you will see when I blog it. The downloading part takes a VERY VERY long time. Once you have done your create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

That’s what I had to do for my second create task! Thank you for reading my blog post! I hope you liked it! See you all next time! Baii!!!


REFLECTION FOR FIRST CREATE TASK: I didn’t really like doing this create task because I thought it was kind of hard to do. Next time I think I can improve on making my Synonyms better, but I still think I did good.

Here is my first create task, which is the bottom right corner one where you have to do the words, the definition and the 3 Synonyms. I hope you like it! <3



REFLECTION FOR SECOND CREATE TASK: I like doing this create task because I thought it was really easy to do although it did take some time. I think next time I can improve on reading louder and going into a quieter space. But I still think I’d di good.

Here is my second create task which is the top left corner one where you have to use Adobe Express to read three pages out loud of your story. I hope you like it! <3

Heyy ya’ll! I’m back doing a third create task! So I chose the bottom left one. For the bottom left create task you have to make a copy of the Google drawing and create one of the characters. You can add a image then you can Polyline it. That’s what I did. In my opinion the Polyline thingy is kind of hard to do. You can use the shapes as well. Also you have to describe what your character\animal looks like. Once you have done your create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

REFLECTION FOR THIRD CREATE TASK:Β I kind of liked doing this create task. I liked it because it was fun to do. I also didn’t like it because it was hard to Polyline it. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my third create task which is the one where you have to use the Polyline for the character! I hope you like it! <3


Baii ya’ll TYSM for reading my blog post! I hope you enjoyed it! See you next time byee!! πŸ˜„


Reading Create Tasks Week 5 Term 1 🐱

WALT: [there is no walt πŸ™ ]

Hii Bloggers! πŸ™‚

Welcome back to my blog post! This is week 5 and it is term 1. It is now our second week of doing Reading! We have the same create tasks as last week but we have different books this week. These books are based on animals! There were a lot of books to choose from! There were three slides that had different books that you could choose from. I chose the book Wild Cats! I just found out today that Lions and Tigers are a type of Wild cat! I didn’t know that fact. All of the books are online books, so you have to read them online. My book was about what wild cats eat, where they live known as Habitat, what they eat, 7 cool facts about them, a Q and A, and at the end of the book it had a Glossary. The book was 17 pages long, but three of the pages showed stuff that are random, like the Glossary and other stuff. You have to finish at least two create tasks by the end of the week. Last week I finished all four create tasks. Now I will tell you what I had to do for my create tasks and what I picked!

FIRST CREATE TASK:Β For my first create task I chose to do the bottom left corner one which was the, Adobe Express one. For the Adobe express one you have to Generate a background. I chose to do a Snow mountain one that has a Snow wild cat leopard. I did the background in one go! I took less than two minutes to do it. It was really easy. Once you finished your create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

That is what I did for my first create task. I finished my first create task in one day! It was really easy to do. Now I will tell you what I chose for my second create task and what I had to do for it!

SECOND CREATE TASK:Β For the second create task I chose to do the top left one! Now I will explain to you what the create task was. So you have to record yourself reading your text out loud and then listen back to it and make sure you read it fluently. This took me one try! Well actually two tries. But the first try I did not know what page to read. So that’s why it kind of took two tries. The teacher said to read only one page since the text is really long. I read two pages because both of the pages were one chapter. It was really easy to do and did not take much time. Once you have finished your create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

That is what I chose for my second create task! I will tell you if I complete any other create tasks! Thank you for reading my blog post! See you next time! Baiii!!!! πŸ™‚


REFLECTION FOR FIRST CREATE TASK: I liked doing this create task because I thought it was very easy to do! I took me about 2 minutes or less to do it! Next time I think I can improve on making my background better, but I still think I did good.

This is my first create task which is the Adobe Express one where you have to Generate a background that is relevant to your story. I hope you like my first create task! <3

[hii guys! I made a mistake I chose the wrong book! because only slide 4 and 5 are the ones you have to choose from! So I chose Butterflies! This book is about where butterflies live, what they eat, and also where they travel! FUN FACT!Β  butterflies can taste from their feet! that’s all for my book! baiii! πŸ™‚Β  ]

REFLECTION FOR SECOND CREATE TASK:Β I liked doing this create task because I thought it was easy to complete. Next time I think I can improve on making my background better, like the plants. But I still think I did pretty good with the background.

Here is my second create task! Which is the one where I have to record myself reading my story on Canva! I only read two pages because the rest is too long. I hope you like it! πŸ™‚ <3

Butterflies Read Aloud by Amber Lobo

[you will have to click on the link to go to my create task]

Heyy ya’ll I am blogging my third create task!I will tell you what I had to do for it! For my third create task. I had to create a word search! The word search is printed out on paper. I find it easy to do it on paper because you have to look at the screen and do it. You had to pick 10 words from your online story book. Then you have to add the words in the blanks and in the boxes. But you have to make them all lower case so that it’s easier for the person to not guess, because if it was capital the person would be able to find the words easily. Then you have to fill the the rest of the boxes with random letters, but you still have to keep them lower case! Once you have done your create task you have to glue it into your reading book, and then you have to click a picture of it from you Chromebook then you have to blog it!

REFLECTION FOR THIRD CREATE TASK:Β I didn’tΒ  really like this create task because I thought it was hard. Not really, I thought it was easy and hard both. I think next time I can improve on making my words in better places and putting better letters in different places. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my third create task! WHich is the one where you have to make your own word search! I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Tasks Week 4 Term 1

WALT: Choose texts based on what I like to read

Hii Bloggers! πŸ™‚

This is my first blog of the year! We had 7-8 weeks of Summer holidays! That’s why I haven’t been blogging. This is week 4, the weeks have passed soo quickly, and only 6 more weeks to go! For reading we are learning about POEMS! Some examples of poems that we are doing for reading are, I want poem, Rhyming poem, and a Simile poem. Some poems are online poems and some of them are videos that you have to watch! I did the online poem that we have to read. My poem was called: Plastic Planets. This poem is all about plastics! This poem was also a Rhyming poem. It had lots that rhyme with it. The word that was used the most was Plastic, and that’s because the title had the name plastic! The poem had 10 small paragraphs. It was really easy to read! We had to watch and read the poems, then we had to pick our favourite poem.

We had four create tasks to do, but in 1 week we have to complete 2 create tasks. Also there are 2 different slides on reading, one slide is for the year 4’s, and the other slide is for the year 5’s and 6’s! I’m a year 6 so I go to the year 5’s, and 6’s slide! Now I will be explaining you what my first create task was like!

FIRST CREATE TASK:Β For my first create task I had to make a copy of a Google doc that is found on the SENIOR LEARNING SITE, then you have to pick 10 words from your poem and put it into your Google doc. But firstly you have to rename the Google doc and move it into your Reading folder, so that it stays in one folder that’s in your drive. So there were three columns, you had to type up the information in each column. For the first column you had to type up what the word was from your poem, then for the middle column you have to type up the definition of the word, and for the third column you have to use the word in a sentence. There was a link on the Senior learning site that would take you to an online dictionary. You have to copy and paste the definition of the word and put it into the column in the Google doc. Once you finished your first create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

Now that I am done with my first create task and explaining what I did, I am going to tell you what I did for my second create task! Here is what we had to do! πŸ‘‡

For the second create task I had to, read my poem fluently on Canva. My poem is a bit long, not too long though. When your reading your poem on Canva you have to make sure you read it with good pace, with good expression, fluently, and not read it too fast or too slow! Then after you are done reading your poem you have to insert a background that suits the poem! Once you finished your second create task you have to blog it! πŸ™‚

That’s all for my first Reading blog post of the year! Thank you for reading my blog post! Baiii! <3


REFLECTION:Β I liked this create task, because I thought it was easy to complete, and it did not take much time do! It was easy to do because of the poem! I think next time I can improve on making better sentences and getting better words.

Here is my first create task! Which is the one where you have to find 10 words from your poem, and out it into your Google doc! I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION:Β I liked this create task because I thought that it was really easy to complete! I think next time I can improve on nothing! Because I think I did my second Canva create task good!

Here is my second create task! It is the one where you have to read your poem on Canva! I hope you like it! <3

Colorful Brushstrokes Beauty YouTube Intro by Amber Lobo

Hii guys! I updated my blog post! That’s because I finished my first and second create task! So now I am doing my third. The third one is the CREATE YOUR OWN WORD SEARCH! For the create task you have to find 10 words from your poem and add them into a word search. The word search is printed to you have to write it down, which makes it way more easier! That’s my third create task! I will update my blog post if I can complete my fourth create task!

REFLECTION:Β I liked this create task because I thought it was very easy! It was more easier to do it on paper! Next time I think I can improve on making my word search better, like putting better words and better places. But I still liked doing this create task!

Here is my third create task! This is the word search one. I hope you like it! πŸ™‚


Hii guys! I’m back! πŸ™‚ I’m now doing my fourth create task! This create task is my last one! For the fourth create task you have to create a background that is relevant to your poem. You have to do this on Adobe Express, but only the year 5’s and 6’s have to do it on Adobe express. The year 4’s have to do it on Canva! So for Adobe express you have to type in the things you want to see from AI, then you have to Generate you image! I did a background. Once you have to your create task you have to share it and then blog it.

REFLECTION:Β I didn’t really like this create task because I found it a bit hard to it. I think next time I can improve on nothing. It’s because I think I did my create task nicely and it took me less than 2 minutes!

Here is my fourth create task. Which is the Adobe express one where you have to generate your background that is relevant for your poem! I hope you like it! πŸ™‚

Miss H’s Avatar (1)


by the way you have to click the link above then it will take you to my work!

Persuasive Writing Week 2 Term 4

Hi Bloggers! πŸ˜„

This week we looked at persuasive writing! Persuasive writing is about ads and agreeing on things and disagreeing on things. We did this in our homerooms! I have finished my persuasive writing Google doc. So I will share it to you and tell you about what we had to do. So we first had to watch a video as a whole homeroom. Then we had to read a poster and read a text. There were two slides of it. So we did both of them on separate days. I liked the first slide the most. On the first slide I liked the poster the most. It was the tomato sauce one.

Reading Create Tasks Term 4 Week 2

Hi Bloggers! πŸ˜„

This week we had a new book to read and a new create task. I will explain you all of it. Last week we had to read the book called Elephants. This week we read the book called Pandas. The book was about Pandas, their habitat, what they eat, where they live and other stuff about Pandas. There are Red pandas as well as Black pandas. They both are really cute types of animals. The book was an online text and it was 18 pages long. I really enjoyed the book. So I would give the rating of the book a 8.4\10. The book was nice learning about pandas. So that’s why I liked the book. We also had questions, a video, and a create task to complete. I will explain you what we have to do. First I will start with the video. The video was about Giant Pandas. The video was 4.23 minutes long. The video was very short though. Now let’s move onto the questions!

This week we had 3 questions to complete! They were really easy to do! The first question was about pandas and what their Chinese name is and what it means. The second question was about what other panda lives in China and then you have to name it and write two interesting facts about it. The third and last question is about what the different sounds pandas use to communicate with other pandas. Once you have done all three of your questions you have to click a screenshot and embed it into your blog post.

Now it’s time to move onto the create task! This week we only had one create task to complete. For the create task you have to create a organisation that help to protect pandas. You also have to research pandas that are endangered. You have to draw awareness into this issue of pandas getting endangered. I did this presentation on Canva. I like to use Canva and I use it all the time. I used a video on Canva. Once you have done your first create task you have to blog it.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it! 😊

REFLECTION [for three questions] Here are my three questions written down in his book. I hope you enjoy reading it! [also sorry if it’s a bit blurry]

REFLECTION: I didn’t really like this create task because it was confusing to do. I think next time I can improve on making my video have more slides. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my Canva video. Which includes my first create task. I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Tasks 1, 2, 3 & Questions Term 4 Week 1

Hi Bloggers! 😊

This week was the first week of the term! It is term 4 so that means we have reading! For reading I moved up a higher level. I am now with a Ruru teacher. I used to be with Miss Hanrahan and now I am with Miss Ludmann. I am happy I moved up but the reading level is a bit hard. For reading you have two create tasks to complete. You also have to do questions. There is one must do create task can do create tasks. After you have finished the must do you can do as many as can do’s as you want or can complete. We had a book to read first. It is a National Geographic book. My book was about Elephants! Every week we will have new books to read. We have to read our book with a buddy which is only once because the book is long. The book was 48 pages in the Elephant book. This book has true facts about Elephants. This book is based on real facts. The book was about Elephants and facts about Elephants. It had its habitat and all of the other stuff about Elephants. Once you have read the book you have to watch two videos, One of my video was not available to watch. So that means that the video was not letting me watch it. So I had to watch one video. The video was about Elephant facts. Once you have watched the videos or video you have to move onto doing your questions.

You have 5 questions to do. The questions were: What is Migration, How do Scientists find out how far an Elephant has traveled, How long is a mother Elephant pregnant for, What are baby Elephants called, and what is a poacher and what do they sell. Those were the five questions you have to write. You have to write the questions in your reading book. Once you have done writing those questions in your book. You have to click a photo and put it into your blog post.

We had a must do to complete. For the must do you have to draw an awareness about, a greatest threat that is happening to Elephants and about them becoming endangered species. You have to create this on any DLO [digital learning object] straight away. I did mine on Canva. Canva is my favorite DLO to use, so that’s why I use it most of the time. You also have to add information that includes what you can do to help the Elephants not getting endangered. Once you have done your first must do create task you have to blog it!

There are Can do create tasks you can do. For the Can do create task I did Environmental Factors. For environmental factors you have to create a DLO and think back about term three and what Inquiry topic you did. Then you have to explain how it affected your animal. I did Greenhouse gases so I have to explain how it made the Elephants environment worse. Once you have done your can do you can blog it.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it! πŸ˜„

REFLECTION [for five questions] I didn’t really like doing five questions. I think it should’ve been three questions. But I am fine with five. I think next time I can improve on making my questions better. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my five questions screenshotted and embedded into my blog post! I hope you like my answers! <3

[sorry if it’s hard to read]

REFLECTION [for must do create task one]: I didn’t really like doing this create task that much. I think it was a bit hard. But it was a bit easy at the same time. I think next time I can improve on making my template and my words better. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my first create task, which includes my Canva poster. I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION [for can do]: I didn’t really like doing the can do. It was kind of hard to come up with a problem. I think next time I can improve on making my problems and solutions better. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my first can do which is the environmentally friendly one. I hope you like it! <3