Reading Create Tasks Term 4 Week 2

Hi Bloggers! 😄

This week we had a new book to read and a new create task. I will explain you all of it. Last week we had to read the book called Elephants. This week we read the book called Pandas. The book was about Pandas, their habitat, what they eat, where they live and other stuff about Pandas. There are Red pandas as well as Black pandas. They both are really cute types of animals. The book was an online text and it was 18 pages long. I really enjoyed the book. So I would give the rating of the book a 8.4\10. The book was nice learning about pandas. So that’s why I liked the book. We also had questions, a video, and a create task to complete. I will explain you what we have to do. First I will start with the video. The video was about Giant Pandas. The video was 4.23 minutes long. The video was very short though. Now let’s move onto the questions!

This week we had 3 questions to complete! They were really easy to do! The first question was about pandas and what their Chinese name is and what it means. The second question was about what other panda lives in China and then you have to name it and write two interesting facts about it. The third and last question is about what the different sounds pandas use to communicate with other pandas. Once you have done all three of your questions you have to click a screenshot and embed it into your blog post.

Now it’s time to move onto the create task! This week we only had one create task to complete. For the create task you have to create a organisation that help to protect pandas. You also have to research pandas that are endangered. You have to draw awareness into this issue of pandas getting endangered. I did this presentation on Canva. I like to use Canva and I use it all the time. I used a video on Canva. Once you have done your first create task you have to blog it.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it! 😊

REFLECTION [for three questions] Here are my three questions written down in his book. I hope you enjoy reading it! [also sorry if it’s a bit blurry]

REFLECTION: I didn’t really like this create task because it was confusing to do. I think next time I can improve on making my video have more slides. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my Canva video. Which includes my first create task. I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Tasks 1, 2, 3 & Questions Term 4 Week 1

Hi Bloggers! 😊

This week was the first week of the term! It is term 4 so that means we have reading! For reading I moved up a higher level. I am now with a Ruru teacher. I used to be with Miss Hanrahan and now I am with Miss Ludmann. I am happy I moved up but the reading level is a bit hard. For reading you have two create tasks to complete. You also have to do questions. There is one must do create task can do create tasks. After you have finished the must do you can do as many as can do’s as you want or can complete. We had a book to read first. It is a National Geographic book. My book was about Elephants! Every week we will have new books to read. We have to read our book with a buddy which is only once because the book is long. The book was 48 pages in the Elephant book. This book has true facts about Elephants. This book is based on real facts. The book was about Elephants and facts about Elephants. It had its habitat and all of the other stuff about Elephants. Once you have read the book you have to watch two videos, One of my video was not available to watch. So that means that the video was not letting me watch it. So I had to watch one video. The video was about Elephant facts. Once you have watched the videos or video you have to move onto doing your questions.

You have 5 questions to do. The questions were: What is Migration, How do Scientists find out how far an Elephant has traveled, How long is a mother Elephant pregnant for, What are baby Elephants called, and what is a poacher and what do they sell. Those were the five questions you have to write. You have to write the questions in your reading book. Once you have done writing those questions in your book. You have to click a photo and put it into your blog post.

We had a must do to complete. For the must do you have to draw an awareness about, a greatest threat that is happening to Elephants and about them becoming endangered species. You have to create this on any DLO [digital learning object] straight away. I did mine on Canva. Canva is my favorite DLO to use, so that’s why I use it most of the time. You also have to add information that includes what you can do to help the Elephants not getting endangered. Once you have done your first must do create task you have to blog it!

There are Can do create tasks you can do. For the Can do create task I did Environmental Factors. For environmental factors you have to create a DLO and think back about term three and what Inquiry topic you did. Then you have to explain how it affected your animal. I did Greenhouse gases so I have to explain how it made the Elephants environment worse. Once you have done your can do you can blog it.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it! 😄

REFLECTION [for five questions] I didn’t really like doing five questions. I think it should’ve been three questions. But I am fine with five. I think next time I can improve on making my questions better. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my five questions screenshotted and embedded into my blog post! I hope you like my answers! <3

[sorry if it’s hard to read]

REFLECTION [for must do create task one]: I didn’t really like doing this create task that much. I think it was a bit hard. But it was a bit easy at the same time. I think next time I can improve on making my template and my words better. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my first create task, which includes my Canva poster. I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION [for can do]: I didn’t really like doing the can do. It was kind of hard to come up with a problem. I think next time I can improve on making my problems and solutions better. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my first can do which is the environmentally friendly one. I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Tasks 1,2 & 3 Term 3 Week 10 🩷

WALT: Relate ideas to own experiences and to wider world

Heyy Bloggers! 😊

This week is the last week of my Reading blog post. So I hope you enjoy it and like it! This week we had the same create tasks and the same book choices as last week! We had to choose a different book from last weeks options and create tasks! We could choose from 6 different book options. All of the books are PDF’S, which meant that they had to be read online. I chose Daylighting streams. Daylighting streams was about pipes, waterways and about things and how they could get destroyed. The pipes get clogged so then it can’t process things properly. You have to read the PDF text 3 times. My text was 6 pages long but I only had to read 5 pages since the last page has the description of the author and other information like that. You have to read it as a buddy, then by yourself, then with a group or a teacher. [if they come to you] Then once you have done reading your PDF three times you have to move onto watching or reading the supporting texts. The supporting texts are the Scaffolding text, the Complementary text, and the Challenge text. I will tell you what those texts we about.

SCAFFOLDING TEXT: The scaffolding text was a video and it was about, daylighting streams and improving salmon habits.

COMPLEMENTARY TEXT: The complementary text was a video and it was about, Nelson floods, before and after the devastation.

CHALLENGE TEXT: The challenge text was a article to read and it was about, river\streams daylighting.

Once you have watched or read the three supporting texts you have to move onto your three create tasks! I will tell you what the create tasks I chose were about.

CREATE TASK ONE: For the first create task you have to make a copy of a flow chart and then fill in the six boxes with facts from your PDF article. You have to name your copy and put it into your reading folder. The facts have to be put into your own words from the PDF article. Once you have finished your first create task, then you have to blog it!

CREATE TASK TWO: For create task three we could choose from the same six different options. But you can’t choose the same as create task two or as last week. I chose Identify. For identify you have to explain what problems people have been facing that are not preventing them to be environmentally friendly. You have to write a paragraph to explain. I typed the paragraph on my chromebook because I think it’s easier to do. Then you have to click a photo and blog it. Once you have done your third create task you have to blog it!

CREATE TASK THREE: For create task three you can choose from the same six different options, but you can’t choose from the same as last week or as create task two. I chose to do Design. [and describe] For design you have to design something that is environmentally friendly. It could be a bin or a a worm farm bin. I could be other things as well. You have to also describe what it is and what materials it includes. I chose to do a pipe that clears any dirt or things that get clogged. I did this on a Google drawing. I also typed up the describe part below my reflection. Once you have done your third create task you have to blog it!

UPDATE: I will update my post once i’ve finished it! 😄

REFLECTION [for flow chart]: I liked this create task because I think using a flow chart is easy for create task one. I think next time I can improve on making my facts better, but I still think I did okay.

Here is my first create task which includes my Flow chart. I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION [for create task two paragraph]: I liked doing a paragraph in my book because I think it is easy to write down a long paragraph. I also liked doing this create task because it is really easy to do. I think next time I can improve on writing a bit more in my script. But I still think I did good.

Here is my second create task embedded into my blog post. This is for create task two Identify paragraph description. I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION [for create task three design and describe]: I liked this create task because I think it’s easy to do and use on a google drawing. I think next time I can improve on making my pipe better. But I still think I did okay.

Here is my third create task, which includes my Google drawing. I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Tasks 1, 2, & 3 Term 3 Week 9 🩷

WALT: Relate ideas to own experiences and wider world

Hi Bloggers! 😊

This week for reading we have new book choices! We could choose from 6 different book options! All of them were PDF’S, which means that it is red online. Also the create tasks were the same as last week, except they changed to the Environment topic. The topic was Environment! Now I will tell you the book I choose and what it is about! I chose the book Unwanted Visitors, it was a PDF and it was 5 pages long. But we had to read only four, since the last page is for the extra details of the book. Unwanted visitors was about flights and how you can not take some items because of the bugs! There are fruit flies and other types of bugs that can come into the country you are going to. They appear in suitcases. You also have to read the book with a teacher, yourself, and with your group. I did not have time to read it with a group, so I read it with myself. Once you have read your PDF three times, you have to watch and read the supporting texts! They are the Scaffolding text, the Complementary text, and the Challenge text. I will now tell you what the supporting texts are!

SCAFFOLDING TEXT: The Scaffolding text is about 2023 biosecurity New Zealand in flight video.

COMPLEMENTARY TEXT: The Complementary text is about Biosecurity – protecting to grow New Zealand.

CHALLENGE TEXT: The Challenge text is about an article about Biosecurity.

Once you have watched and read the three supporting texts, you have to move onto your Create tasks! I will also tell you what my three create tasks are about and what I chose for them!

FIRST CREATE TASK: For the first create task you have to complete a flow chart of you journal article and you have to include some facts of the topic you have read about. In a flow chart there are 6 boxes for facts to be filled in. You have to click on the link and make a copy of the Flow chart. Then you have to name it and put it into your Reading folder. Once you have done your first create task you have to blog it!

SECOND CREATE TASK: For the second create task you can choose from 6 different create task options! I chose Questioning. For questioning you have to come up with three questions related to your article and also come up with three answers to the three questions! You have to put it on one DLO, [digital learning object] to plan it on, then put it on another DLO to present it! For my first DLO I chose to use a Google doc, and for my second DLO I chose to use Animaker, Once you have done your second create task, you have to blog it!

CREATE TASK THREE: For the third create task you can choose from the same six different create task options, but you can’t choose the one you chose for create task two. I chose Examine. For examine you have to summarize into your own words of you article and then you have to create task Brochure using your key facts. We have to put this on one DLO so I chose to use a Google doc. Then I used Canva to create my Brochure. I have created a Brochure before and it is easy to create. Once you have done your third create task you have to blog it!

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it. 😄

REFECTION [for first create task] : I liked this create task because it was really easy to do and to complete. I think next time I can maybe improve on adding better facts. But I still think I did good.

Here is my first create task, which includes my Flow chart. I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION [for Google doc] : I liked using a Google doc for my questioning create task because I found it easy to use. I think next time I can improve on making my questions better, but I still think I did okay.

Here is my Google doc for planning and for my second questioning create task. I hope you like it! <3

REFLECTION [for Animaker DLO] : I liked using this DLO because I think it is very easy to use from all of the DLO’S I’ve used so far. I think next time I can improve on making my slideshows better, but I still think I did well in using this DLO.

Here is my Animaker slideshow DLO, for my second questioning create task. I hope you enjoy my reading my slideshow and I hope you like it! <3


REFLECTION [for Google doc] : I liked using a Google doc for this create task because I think it is the easiest DLO to use for planning. I think next time I can improve on summarizing my story better, but I still think I did good.

REFLECTION [for Canva DLO] : I liked using Canva for this create task because I think it was easy to use. I think next time I can improve on nothing. It’s because I think I did good.

Here is my Canva DLO which is for my third create task. I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Tasks 1, 2 & 3 Term 3 Week 8

WALT: Compare and contrast within and between texts 

Heyy Bloggers! 😊

This week we had the same book choices as last week! We could choose from 6 different book options! All of the story options were a PDF, so that means that it is online to read. This week I chose the PDF Biathlon. Biathlon has two sports in one, they include Shooting and Skiing. They are combined sports together. Biathlon was made for Men in 1968 and 1992 for Women. [the rest of my facts are in my create task one. You have to choose your journal story. once you have chosen your journal story you have to read it three times. You have to read it with a buddy, by yourself and with a group. I could not read it with a group because I did not have my group with me, but I read it with myself to count. Once you have read it three times you have to watch or read the supporting texts which are, the Scaffolding, the Complementary and the Challenge text. Now I am going to tell you what the supporting texts were about.

SCAFFOLDING TEXT: The scaffolding text was about: Winter Olympics rules of the game: Biathlon.

COMPLEMENTARY TEXT: The complementary text is about the men’s biathlon 10km sprint.

CHALLENGE TEXT: The challenge text is all about Biathlon, like facts and what biathlon is basically about.

Once you have watched or read the supporting texts you have to move onto your three create tasks! I will explain you about the three create tasks and the ones I chose!

FIRST CREATE TASK: For the first create task you have to create a story map or a flow chart of your journal story. You have to create a story map if you book is fiction, and you have to do a flow chart if your book or PDF is a Non-fiction. I had to do a flow chart because my PDF is a Non-fiction. In a flow chart there are 6 facts that you have to get from your PDF story. You also have to summarize it into your own words. You also have to put your flow chart in your Reading folder and name yours. Once you have typed up your six facts you have to blog it.

SECOND CREATE TASK: For the second create task we could choose from six different create task options, but you can not choose the one you chose last week. I chose identify. For identify you have to think of a problem that would occur for your Paralympian in a wheelchair and what you would need to change for them to play. Mine was biathlon so I would need to come up with a problem and a solution for my Paralympian. You can choose to do one DLO [digital learning object] to plan your work, then choose another DLO to present it on. For my first DLO I choose to use a Google doc then for my second DLO I chose to use Animaker. Once you have done your create task you have to blog it.

THIRD CREATE TASK: For the third create task you could choose from the same six create task options, but you can not choose the same as last week or the same as create task two. I chose Examine. For examine you have to see the rules of your journal story then you have to summarize the rules. You also have to come up with a rule related to your journal story. Mine has to be a rule related to Biathlon. You have to choose one DLO to plan it on, and one DLO to present it on. For my first DLO I chose to use a Google doc, then for my second DLO I chose to use Canva. Once you have done your create task three, you have to blog it.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I I’ve finished it! 😄

REFLECTION: I liked this create task because it was easy to do. But i think some of the facts were a bit hard to find. I think next time I can improve on making my facts better, but I still think I did good.

Here is my create task one which is the Flow chart with my six facts. I hope you like it! 😄

REFLECTION [for Google doc] : I liked using a Google doc because, I think it is really easy to plan on. I think next time I can improve on making my problems better. But I still think I did good.

REFLECTION [for Animaker DLO] I liked using this DLO because I think it was easy to use. I think next time I can improve on nothing. It’s because I think I did good in using this DLO and doing this create task. Sorry if it’s to fast and you can’t read it quickly. I do not know how to make slideshows longer.

REFLECTION [for Google doc] : I liked this create task because it was fun to do and it was easy to come up with problems and solutions. I think next time I can improve on making my third question better. but I still think I did well.

REFECTION [for Animaker DLO] : I liked using this DLO because it was fun and easy to use. I think next time I can improve on nothing, it’s because I think I did good using this DLO.

Reading Create Tasks



WALT: Compare and contrast within and between texts

Heyy Bloggers! 😄

This week for Reading we had new book choices! This week our topic was the WInter Olympics! We could choose from 6 different book options! All of them were PDFS. So that means that there is a link to read them. I chose the book Figure Skating. Now I will tell you what my book is about. Figure skating is about how a person wears skates and does tricks on ice. There is also ice dancing. In ice dancing there will be a person who performs dance tricks. There are also two people who can do Figure skating, and they do it together by performing different tricks together. [the rest of the facts are in my create task one] You have to read you PDF to a buddie, by yourself, and with a group. So that is reading your PDF three times. I could not read it with a group because my group was with a different reading teacher. But to make it count as a group, I read it by myself. Once you have read the text, you have to move onto watching or reading the supporting texts. The supporting texts are the Scaffolding text, Complementary text, and the Challenge text. Now I am going to tell you what my supporting texts are about.

SCAFFOLDING TEXT: The Scaffolding text was a video, and it is about, Anna Shcherbakova wins women gold| Figure Skating Beijing 2022| Free skate highlights.

COMPLEMENTARY TEXT: The Complementary text was a video, and it is about, Maia & Alex Shibutani’s Ice dance to “Paradise” by Coldplay at PyeongChang 2018| Music Monday

CHALLENGE TEXT: The Challenge text was a PDF which was something to read, and it was about, Figure Skating.

Now I am going to tell you about what the create tasks are about!

FIRST CREATE TASK: For the first create task you have to create a Flow chart or a story map. If your book is a Fiction you have to make a copy of a flow chart, and if your book is non-fiction then you have to make a copy of a story map. Fiction is true and Non-fiction is not true. Mine was a Fiction so I had to make a copy of a flow chart. In the Flow chart you have to name it, put it into your Reading folder then complete it. The Flow chart had 6 boxes which are for six facts. So you have to type up six facts in those six boxes. Once you have finished you create task, you have to blog it.

SECOND CREATE TASK: For the third create task you could choose from the same six different options again! I chose Questioning. For questioning you have to come up with three questions that are related to your journal story, then you have to come up with three answers as well. You have to first plan your questions on one DLO, [digital learning object] then you have to present it on another DLO. For my first DLO I chose Google doc. Then for my second DLO I chose Aimaker. Once you have finished your third create task you have to blog it.

THIRD CREATE TASK: For the second create task you can choose from six different create task options. I chose Design. For design you have to create appropriate clothes for your athlete or for a person. I had to create Figure skating clothes. You also have to describe about what materials is used. Once you have finished your second create task you have to blog it.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it. 😊

REFLECTION: I liked this create task because it was really easy to do. But some of the facts were a bit hard to find even though there was a lot of information. I think next time I can improve on making some of my facts better, but I still think I did good.

Here is my first create task which includes my Flow Chart.


REFLECTION: I liked this create task because it was fun and easy to do. I think next time I can improve on nothing. It’d because I think I did good in my second create task.

Here is my second create task, which includes my Google doc for planning and my Animaker slideshow for presenting. I hope you like it.


REFLECTION: I liked this create task because I think it was easy like the other create tasks. I think next time I can make my drawing better. But I still think I did good.

DESCRIPTION: The uniform is made out of silky material, it also helps your body to keep warm. The skates are made out of hard material, it helps to slide around the ice. The uniform is the colors light and dark blue. The skates are white and grey.


Reading Create Tasks 1 2 & 3 Term 3 Week 6

WALT: Relate ideas to own experiences and to wider world

Hi bloggers! 😄

This week for reading we had the same book choices as last week. We could choose from 6 different book options. I chose the book Sports day. This book was about a girl who didn’t like sports day, and was scared to catch the ball on sports day. You first have to read your book on your own then with a group or with a buddy. I chose to do it with a buddy. Once you have done reading your book you have to move onto watching\reading the supporting texts. The supporting texts are: the Scaffolding text, the Complementary text, and the Challenge text. Now I will tell you what my supporting texts are about.

SCAFFOLDING TEXT: The Scaffolding text is about Soft Ball rules.

COMPLEMENTARY TEXT: The Complementary text is about 7x World Champion

CHALLENGE TEXT: The Challenge text is about White Sox begin long journey to 2028 Olympics goal with tri-series, featuring top Kiwi softball talent.

After you have finished watching\reading the supporting texts, you have to move onto your create tasks. Now I am going to tell you what the three create tasks are about.

FIRST CREATE TASK: For the first create task you have to tell what your journal story or article is about. But if you have a journal story, you have to make a copy of a story map, and if your book is an article, then you have to make a copy of a flow chart. Mine was a journal story, so that means I have to make a copy of a story map. The story map includes, the problem, solution, characters, and the title of your journal story. Once you have finished your first create task you have to blog it.

SECOND CREATE TASK: For the second create task you could choose from six different options, I chose Evaluate. For evaluate you have to tell what the problems are of you story then you have to tell about if the character resolved the problem well or not. You first have to put you planning on one DLO, then you have to present it on another DLO. For my first DLO I chose Google doc then I chose Canva for my second DLO. Once you have finished your second create task you have to blog it.

THIRD CREATE TASK: For the third create task you could choose from the same six create take options. I chose Create. For create you have to create a ending. You have to come up with a summary from your journal story ending. You have to do this on a DLO, then you have to put it on another DLO. The first DLO is for planning then the second DLO is for presenting. For my first DLO I chose Google doc. For my second DLO I chose Canva. Once you have presented you work you have to blog it.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it. 😊

REFECTION: I didn’t really like the first create task because it was a bit hard to do. I think next time I can improve on making my facts better. But I still think I did good.

Here is my first create task which is the story map. I hope you like it! <3

REFECTION: I kind of liked this create task because it was a bit easy and a bit hard. I think I can improve on nothing, it’s because I think I did good for my create task.

Here is my second create task which includes, my Google doc for planning, and my Canva for presenting. I hope you like it! <3


REFECTION: I liked this create task because it was easy to do. I think next time I can improve on  nothing, it’s because I think I did well.

Here is my third create task, which includes my Google doc for planning and my Canva video for presenting. I hope you like it! <3

Reading Create Task 1 2 & 3 Term 3 Week 5

WALT: Relate ideas to own experiences and wider world

Heyy Bloggers!! 😄

This week for reading we had new book choices. We could choose from 6 different book options! I chose Hooked in Hockey. This book was about Jayan and about what Hockey he played, and what happened when he played Hockey. [I have other facts in my create task 1] All of the books were journal story’s. So they were printed out to read. We first have to read our book with a buddy, then we could read it with a group or by our self. Once we have finished reading it then we have to go to watch or read the supporting texts. The supporting texts are the: Scaffolding text, Complementary text, and the Challenge text. Now I will tell you what my supporting texts were about.

SCAFFOLDING TEXT: The scaffolding text was about how to play field Hockey.

COMPLEMENTARY TEXT: The complementary text is about the last gasp win sees through Germany.

CHALLENGE TEXT: The challenge text is about the 2024 Paris Olympics Hockey.

Once you have watched or read the supporting texts, you have to move onto your create tasks!

FIRST CREATE TASK: For the first create task you have to create a story map or a Flow chart of your journal story. If your journal story is a journal story you have to do the story map. It’s because journal stories are not real. If your story is an article you have to do the Flow chart. It’s because an artical is based on something real. Mine was an article, so I had to do a flow chart. I had to put in six facts. But we always have to name it, and put it in our reading folder. Once you have completed the first create task, you have to blog it.

SECOND CREATE TASK: For your second create task you could choose what create task to do from six different options! I chose Questioning. For questioning you have to, come up with three questions that are related to your journal story then you to put full sentence answers. You also have to include a why or a how question. You first have to plan it on one DLO. [digital learning object] Then you have to present it on a DLO! for planning I chose Google doc. Then I chose Animaker. Once you’ve done your second create task, you have to blog it.

THIRD CREATE TASK: For the third create task we get to choose from the same 6 different options! I chose Design. For design you have to design appropriate clothes for your athlete. I did Hockey, so I have to do a hockey uniform. Once you have done your create task you have to click a photo and blog it.

I like reading, it’s fun to do. For my book I would give it a 8\10. It’s because I am learning Field Hockey for my Winter sports and I like to choose this journal story so that I can learn more about field Hockey.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it. 😄

REFLECTION: I liked this create task because it was really easy to do. I think next time I can improve on nothing. It’s because I think I did good on this create task.

Here is my create task one. Which is the Flow chart. I hope you like it! <3



REFECTION: I liked this create task because it was really easy to come up with three questions. I think next time I can improve on making my answers a bit better. But I still think I did good.

Here is my create task 2, Which includes my Google doc for planning, and my Animaker for my second presenting DLO. I hope you like it! <3



DESCRIPTION: The Hockey shirt is a silky material that will help when you sweat. It will take all of the sweat. The Hockey skirt is made out of silk as well. It will protect you when you are playing. The Hockey shoes are made out of a material that will make you not fall. The shin pads are made out of hard material and the straps are made out of soft material. The Shin pads protect your legs. The straps will make the shin pads secure.

REFLECTION: I liked this create task because it was easy to draw. I think next time I can improve on doing a better Hockey outfit, but I still think I did okay.

Reading Create Task 1 2 & 3 Term 3 Week 4

WALT: Skim read to locate specific information

Heyy Bloggers! 😀

This week we had the same book choices as last week! Our topic was sports. It was also a little bit about the Olympics. There are 6 different books we could choose from. This week I chose the book Tennis. Tennis is a sport that is played indoors and outdoors. In tennis there is double tennis or individual tennis. So the individual one is played by yourself and with another person. Double tennis is played with two players on each side. I liked this book. So I would give it a 7\10. It was okay.

All of our books are a E-book. Which means that it is read online. You first have to read a book with a buddy. Then you have to go onto your supporting texts. The supporting texts include: the Scaffolding text, Complementary text, and the Challenge text. It is either to read or to watch. Now I am going to tell you what my supporting texts were about.

SCAFFOLDING TEXT: The Scaffolding text was about, a quick guide to the Olympics tennis. This was to watch.

COMPLEMENTARY TEXT: The Complementary text was about, the William sisters near the perfect pair.

CHALLENGE TEXT: The Challenge text was about the, Olympics Tennis Paris 2024 Olympics.

Once you have watched or read the supporting texts you have to move onto your create tasks!

FIRST CREATE TASK: For the first create task you have to list the five main ideas of your journal story which include: who it involves, what the sport is about, where the sport originated [began] ,  what challenges there may have been, and one other idea. You first have to plan it on some DLO [digital learning object] then put it onto another DLO. I first chose google doc, then for my second DLO I used Canva. [I always use Canva] Once you have done your first create task, you have to blog it!

SECOND CREATE TASK: For the second create task you have to do the Summarise create task. You have to do it from the six choices. For Summarise you have to explain why your supporting texts relate to your journal story. You have to first do it on a DLO then you have to present it on another DLO. I first used Google doc for planning, then I used Canva for my second DLO. Once you have done your create task you have to blog it.

THIRD CREATE TASK: For your third create task you can choose from the six different options. I chose Develop. For develop you have to design shoes for your journal story athlete. I did tennis shoes for my athlete. Once you have done your create task you have to click a picture and embed it onto your blog.

UPDATE: I will update my post once I’ve finished it. 😊

REFLECTION: I didn’t like create task one that much. It’s because for my book it’s hard to find the five main ideas. Next time I think I can improve on getting better ideas. But I think I still did okay.

Here is my create task one. Which includes my Google doc and my Canva. I hope you like it! <3

REFECTION: I liked this create task because it was fun and easy to do. I think next time I can improve on summarizing it better. Because I think I did summarizing the same for nearly all of the supporting texts.

Here is my second create task which includes my 2 DLO’S, Google doc for planning and the Canva to parent it on. I hope you like it.

REFLECTION: I liked this create task because it was easy and super fun to do. I think next time I think next time I can improve on making making my tennis shoe shades better. But I still think I did good.



Reading Create Tasks 1 2 3 Term 3 Week 3

WALT: Skim read to locate specific information

Heyy Bloggers! 😀

Welcome back to another blog post!

Today I am going to be telling you about the stuff I have been doing in reading! Which includes, the book I choose, what my book is about, create tasks, reflection, and what the supporting texts are about. We could choose from 6 different books. These books were all about different sports.

The book I choose was Gymnastics. Gymnastics is about a person who moves across the floor doing a routine. Like a back handspring, or a front flip. I liked this book. So I would give this book a 8\10. I liked this book because it was nice to learn what Gymnastics is about and what stuff they do.

Now I am going to explain you about my supporting texts. Supporting texts are the Scaffolding, Complementary, and the Challenge text. These texts relate to the journal story, and they give you a bit of some information about your journal story. [or e-book] The Scaffolding text was about “5 greatest moments in gymnastics history.'” The complementary text was about “Simone Biles earning a Gold medal with her stunning routine” Lastly the challenge text was about ” New Zealand Gymnastics, and how they get medals. The challenge text was a reading text. So you had to read it.

Now I am going to explain you about the create tasks, which includes the one I have chosen.

FIRST CREATE TASK: For the first create task you have to list the five main ideas of your journal story which includes, who it involves, what the sport is about, where was your sport originated [began] and what challenges there may have been. I did this on a Google doc. You can do it on any DLO. [digital learning object] Then after you have done that, you need to present it on another DLO! This has do be a different one. I chose Canva.

SECOND CREATE TASK: For the second create task you can choose from six options. I chose Identify. For this create task you have to see what problems that could occur during the Olympics. Mine would be about problems that could occur during the Gymnastics Olympic. One problem that could occur is breaking your foot during the Olympics. We first have to choose one DLO to present what problem that could occur. Then We need to present it on another DLO. I chose Canva again.

THIRD CREATE TASK: For the third create task we could choose our create task again. I chose Apprise. For Apprise you have to tell why or why not you found your sport interesting.

I like reading. It’s fun to do. The create tasks were also fun.

UPDATE: I will update my post one I’ve finished it. 😊

REFLECTION: I liked this create task because It was fun and easy to do. I hope we do this create task again. Because I also found it a bit interesting. Next time I think I can improve on nothing. Because I think I did good.

Here is my first create task. The Google doc and the Canva. I hope you like it! <3.


REFLECTION: I didn’t really like this create task. It’s because it was hard to find problems that could occur. I found five though. But I think I found okay reasons. I think I can improve on getting better problems. Because my problems were a bit the same.

Here is my second create task. Which includes my Google doc and my Canva. I hope you like it! <3

REFECTION: I liked using the google doc because it’s easy to use for planning. I liked using Canva because I’ts fun and easy to use. I also like to use Canva. Canva is my favorite DLO to use. I think next time I can improve on adding pictures to my Canva DLO. But I still think I did good.

Here is my third create task which includes, google doc for planning, and Canva for my DLO. I hope you like it! <3